don’t feel like reading the Bible?

This is for the moments when you don’t feel like reading the Bible, but you know that you should.

This is for the moments when you open up God’s Word out of drudgery and duty — because you hear the world and social media tell you that you should, and yet you feel guilty that you don’t want to.

This is for the moments when suddenly find yourself glazed over, distracted, and less than enthused about the words on the page.

Perhaps you have been feeling this way for awhile. Perhaps you have felt this way the entire duration of your faith, but the last thing you want to do is admit it. Why? Because, let’s face it — we live in a social media world where we’re constantly shown posts, videos, and stories about how excited people are to get into God’s Word.

How “aesthetic” their Bible study routine looks. How excited they seem to dive into God’s Word. How they glean so much from God’s Word and really understand it.

Suddenly, we don’t want to admit that we’re just not feeling it. We’re frustrated and maybe even a little disappointed with ourselves.

Because wouldn’t that make us look like “bad Christians” for not wanting to read the Bible? Wouldn’t that make us look less than for admitting that we’re just not as excited as other people to sit in the Word?

Sweet friend… can I give you a serving size of hope and solidarity?

I see you and hear you. Countless other Christians see you, hear you, and relate to you. You are not alone in your feelings. And they certainly do not make you a bad Christian.

So, let that be your gentle reminder. But, could I also give us a gentle push? I think it’s time we dig a little deeper. We know at our core that we should be reading the Bible. So how do we get our affections (our desires) to line up with what we know is true?

Can I share a personal revelation I’ve had?

I have gone through many “dry spells” in my faith. I have gone through many seasons of desiring God’s Word less than others. To be completely transparent, I have let my Bible collect dust on many occasions.

However, the Lord has been so gracious to remind me of this very revelation.

It’s likely that when I do not desire God’s Word, I am not seeing God for who He truly is. I am not living fully in the light of the new life that He has purchased freely for me.

In other words, I am not fully, completely, and truly allowing the truth of who God is and who I am in the light of who He is truly transform my life.

Let’s get a little refresher together, shall we?

What is the purpose of God’s Word?

The Bible is of the main ways that God reveals himself to His people — you and me. It lays out the plan of salvation and the way in which we can receive salvation.

It’s God-breathed, God-inspired, God-originated (2 Timothy 3:16-17). It’s purposes are many, but as 2 Timothy 3 tells us, it corrects, trains, convicts, and teaches — just to name a few.

It is our lifeline and our sustanance. Just like the body needs water and food to survive, so the Christian needs the Word of God to not merely just coast through life, but thrive (Matthew 4:4).

It is our direction and our guide (Psalm 119:105). It’s the utmost authority.

There is never a moment where it is not true or right (Proverbs 30:5). Confused? Needing wisdom? God’s Word imparts it (Psalm 119:130).

It is a vital way in which we grow up from “newborn infants” to mature adults in Christ (1 Peter 2:2).

There are so many other purposes of God’s Word, but the main moral of the story is this.

God’s Word is truth. God’s Word is our guide. God’s Word is our standard.

It’s a beautiful love story — one of redemption and regeneration. One of mercy and grace. One of justice and holiness. One of hope and repentance.

Without God’s Word, we would be aimlessly wandering around without direction or hope. If you think about it that way — how loving is it that God would give us His written word to reference any moment of every day?

We need to remember that the Bible is God’s story first, and yet that story provides the tools for understanding our own stories in light of who He is.

God’s Word isn’t another self-help book. It’s the way of life itself.

A true knowledge of who God is changes everything. When one knows God for who He is, there makes way for true love. And when true love is made way, then there is a way for one to live life to the fullest. That is what we’re all about here.

Knowing, loving, and living for God. Knowing, loving, and living His Word.

Sweet friend, I know how difficult it can be to muster up the desire and the energy to open up God’s Word — especially when you’re just not feeling it. Especially when you just don't want to.

So, can I offer a few gentle suggestions? Can I offer a few practical ways that you could begin to get to know God’s Word? Not out of obligation, but out of genuine love, interest, and excitement?

if you don’t “feel like it”, try this…

  • Remember the purpose.

    Whenever I feel discouraged or disinterested when it comes to the Bible, I desperately need the Lord to remind me why. I desperately need Him to remind me of the beauty within His living Word. Refresh yourself in truths like the ones mentioned above. When we know why we do what we do — or in this case, why we read what we read — it oftentimes ignites purpose and action. When we remember that God’s Word is our lamp and our guide and literally God Himself, then why wouldn’t we want to read it? Why wouldn’t we want it to help us, encourage us, convict us, and grow us every day?

  • Go slowly. Go simply. I think, oftentimes, we look at other people’s routines on Instagram or social media and think that ours has to be the same. It’s easy to compare to * her * hour Bible study routine with colorful highlighters, a beautiful latte with some swirly art and feel down on ourselves. Perhaps we think, “Ugh. My Bible time never looks like that.”

    Here’s the thing. Can I be so bold to declare that I believe we often overcomplicate it? My good friend Amy Gannett always encourages her friends and followers on Instagram to do two things: pray before you start reading and read through God’s Word for a few minutes in one sitting. That’s it. If you ask me, that’s an incredible place to start. That’s an incredible way to build up a love, excitement, and rhythm of Scripture reading.

    Go slow. Read slowly. Read through a chapter slowly. Go simply. Read for a few minutes. Where’s the pressure in reading a bazillion chapters in one sitting?

  • Pray. Need I say more? It’s easy to pray and ask for things like healing for a friend, a raise in our new job, or a breakthrough in another area. But we often feel it silly or unnecessary to pray for things like this — a rekindled desire to read the Bible. The discipline and joy in communing with Him in the Word. Sweet friend, go to your Heavenly Father in prayer. Ask Him to give you the desire to read the Bible. Ask Him to give you tastes of who He is through the Scripture to make you giddy and startle your interest. Ask Him to help your feelings surrender in obedience to God’s Word and the beautiful authority that it holds. Seek Him first. Pray continually with all kinds of requests. This is such a sweet prayer and our Father wants to hear it. He will help. Make this a daily prayer.

  • Experience Scripture in new, different ways and try supplemental resources.

    It never hurts to change it up every once and awhile. Turn on an Audio Bible and listen to God’s Word spoken over you. (Where are my podcast fans at?! This is a great way to digest truth, especially if you’re a listening kind of learner.) Find an amazing Bible study or devotional (my favorite ones linked here) to supplement — meaning, compliment, not overshadow — your main sustenance, God’s Word. A solid, biblically sound devotional will help you understand God’s Word in depth, and in turn, inspire you with even more excitement and application.

  • Have conversations with other people about God’s Word.

    One of my favorite things is having conversations with my parents, husband, and friends about what God has been teaching them. What their faith walk has been like. What they need prayer for. Personally, I have found so much encouragement in listening to those closest to me share what they’re learning in God’s Word and what their discipleship journey looks like. There’s nothing quite like hearing testimonies of God’s goodness in someone else’s life to inspire you to get to know that same Savior.

    So, my challenge to you, dear friend. Meet up with a friend over coffee. Call them up on the phone. Catch up with them. Ask them what they’re learning in God’s Word and what God has been teaching them. Sit and listen. Rebuke any feelings of inadequacy, hearing someone else on fire for God when you feel less than, and instead, take it as an encouragement. Let it spur you on in the faith. Let it inspire you. Let it encourage you. Let your friends and family help you kindle that fire for God.


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