waiting on the Lord

Six years ago, I remember waiting impatiently for the results of my lab work to come back. I was a scared, little high school freshman, missing out on her first semester of school because she was unexpectedly ill. During those next few months of waiting, I don’t remember doing much more than laying in bed, crying and feeling sorry for myself.

Waiting patiently for the test results was the last thing I wanted to do. In those moments, I couldn't see past my situation and consider that this moment of waiting may be the best thing for me and my relationship with the Lord.

Even after the test results came back, God kept me waiting. We were still working through different therapy and medication options so the waiting continued.

Looking back, I have to admit that I really squandered those moments of waiting. Instead of letting God refine me through the waiting, I grew impatient — bitter — and didn’t use that time to increase my faith-fire.

It’s 2020 and we have more information readily at our fingertips than ever before. Our society has been trained to think that when we want something, we get it immediately. If our wifi is too slow, we get frustrated and scramble to try another network. If the line at Starbucks is too long, we walk away in a huff.

But I think we’re all missing the point — There is beautiful value, growth and potential in waiting. When we decide that we don’t have the time, energy or patience to wait, we truly miss out on wonderful growth that our Father has in store for us. I’ve lost track how many times the Bible talks about patience — waiting on God — trusting Him — seeking His face continually. Can you see a pattern here?

God doesn’t command us to be patient and wait for Him as a punishment. No, sis! He puts us in seasons of waiting to see where our hearts are. Will we cling to Him in the difficult and uncomfortable seasons of waiting? Will we let Him cultivate a patient heart, knowing that it’s for our good? Will we let Him solidify our faith and teach us more about Himself?

3 Ways to Wait Well In Your Seasons

Sista… waiting is just a part of life. So why not wait well?! As Christians, we have the HOLY SPIRIT and the Word of God at right hand. We have everything we need to wait well — not grumpily or begrudgingly.

Our waiting has a life-changing end goal: To be shaped by God, grow in patience and cling to hope (Romans 12:12).

When you’re a part of God’s family, waiting is NOT a waste of time. Waiting on a relationship, a raise at work, a college acceptance letter, a diagnosis is NOT a waste of time. It’s a precious part of your Jesus-story — and He’s waiting for you to let Him grow you and show you who He is. Let’s dive into a few ways that you and I can wait well and thrive!

  • Devote extra extra time to prayer.

    Romans 12:12 reminds us to pray continually. Now, this doesn't mean every single millisecond of every day. But it does mean that prayer should be our first response to any situation — positive or negative.

    Just like King David in Psalm 27, don’t be afraid to share your emotions and get real with Him. Pour your heart out. Bring your doubts. Bring your dreams. He knows you wholly and wants you to know that He is worth trusting with everything you’re waiting for.

    But never forget to be still and listen to HIM. I’m so guilty of not being still and listening to God in prayer. I have to remember that this is a conversation — let Him speak. Ask Him to help you hear Him, however He wants to talk to you. Any situation that arises, take it to prayer. Let your relationship with Him grow, especially in the times of waiting.

  • Praise and thank. Repeat.

    When we’re in the middle of waiting, being thankful can be one of the last things on our to-do lists. However, it’s one of the most important times to PRAISE Him and THANK Him for what He’s given us and done for us. Waiting can brew impatience, which then brews discontentment.

    Fight that by looking back on what God has brought you through before. Share your testimony or ask a friend to share theirs. Recalling these moments and giving God the glory renews your sense of confident hope in the Lord. Plus, nothing is sweeter to God’s ears than genuine praise.

  • Keep your feet and heart on track.

    Like I said earlier, I didn’t thrive very well in my season of waiting. I didn’t see the value in waiting for healing or test results. But good news is that we are not left helpless.

    We may be waiting for a certain answer from God. We may be waiting for a promise to be fulfilled in our lives. But don’t let your feet and heart get off track. Just because you’re waiting doesn’t mean that there isn’t important kingdom work to do. The great news is God hears us and will always answer us — for our good and His glory.

    So while we wait, we must keep moving! With our eyes set on eternity, we can use whatever gifts we have been given in that moment to serve God. Even while we wait, we can love others well, take opportunities and learn more about who God is in the process — which is the best goal.

Our soul waits for the Lord, he is our help and shield. For our heart is glad in Him, because we trust His holy name. (Psalm 33:20-21)


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