What It Means to be Known, Seen, and Loved

“For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10)

When I was in middle school, I was extremely insecure.

From all appearances, it seemed like I was an outgoing and bubbly person, very self-assured. But inside, I was anything but. Unsure, and ungrounded.

My identity was anything but strong in Christ. Not yet. Not just yet. I was trying to figure out who I was in Christ, but the worry of “Am I good enough at ____” or “Will people like me if I’m ____” echoed louder than any other voice.

Because I was so insecure, it led me to compare to other people and look for their approval. I started comparing how I looked – how athletic I was compared to my friends, how cute or updated my clothes were compared to my friends, and if people liked me or deemed me “popular.”

You see, the idea of looking for someone’s approval is looking for someone’s validation. For someone to tell you you’re good enough – cool enough – smart enough – pretty enough.

That was the vicious cycle I was caught in. Looking to my family, and boys to tell me that I was accepted.


Honestly? It was exhausting.

The apostle Paul wrote the book of Galatians as a letter to the church in Galatia. Although Paul had inspired the formation of this church by the preaching of Jesus’ gospel to these people beforehand, this letter came at an urgent time, because there were false teachers that infiltrated their way into the church. The false teachers came with a false gospel, contrary to the cross and to Paul’s teaching.

It got so bad that some started to wonder and even go as far as accuse Paul of people-pleasing and compromise.

That’s when he says, “Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If people pleasing was my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.” (Galatians 1:10 NLT).

Now, I don’t know what you’re going through, but I’m sure you have nodded along in agreement at least once during this blog post. Why? Because the pull to seek God’s approval or man’s approval is strong. There is not one person who hasn’t found themselves in a season or situation with a craving to be accepted.

Where you want to be approved by a friend, a friend group, or that cute boy.


When you’re placed in those moments, I want you to remember this:


You are known, seen, and loved by a God who sent His son to die for you on the cross.


At the end of the day, the salve to many of our struggles is that truth. Being known, seen, and loved by GOD.

What does it mean to be KNOWN?

Being known is all about being understood. That’s what being “known” means. Psalm 139:1 tells us that God created us in our mother’s wombs. He knows us because He created us. He understands us because He created us.


What does it mean to be SEEN?

Being seen is all about being safe and accepted and recognized for who we are. Just like God said to King David’s dad, He knows our hearts. He sees us for who we are and loves us all the same.


What does it mean to be LOVED?

Being loved means cherished and valued. We’re told that God loves us so much that He sent the one He loved most – his son – to die for us. He loves us so much that he wants to spend everyday here on earth and eternity with us.


There’s a God-shaped hole inside all of us and what we long for when we look for approval is the approval of Jesus on the cross.


I looked to boys and popularity for the better half of my middle school (and let’s face it — high school) experience. I looked to them to validate me for being cool enough. Smart enough. Pretty enough. Likable enough. But because I was looking to the wrong place, I always wanted more. I was never satisfied.


Wrap this truth around your neck, bond it to your heart.


You are known, seen, and loved by God. You were created to live for His approval. And living for His approval is found in following the Word. Read it. Live it. Follow it.


Just like Paul, there may be some people who don’t understand you, accuse you, or question you, but I can promise you that you will find your people who do and want to walk with God alongside you. And most of all, you’ll find blessing in seeking His approval, over the world’s.


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